Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Just a reminder, we are not meeting this week because of the holiday. See you next week!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finished with Aviation

We pretty much finished up the Aviation merit badge last night. The boys who were there just have to make the paper plane from the pattern Brother Thompson will hand out on Sunday and you are done!

Sometimes it is a tough slog to get through all the academic requirements for some of these merit badges but the boys who were there stuck with it and got it done.

Brother Thompson should also be congratulated for his heroic efforts in teaching this badge. Teaching a bunch of scouts while watching three kids of his own is no easy job but he handled it with grace.

Once again, Alex was the sole recipient of the uniform bribe. I’ve got a roll of bills in burning a hole in my pocket just waiting to he handed out to a scout who wears his uniform. Better start collecting before I spend it all on diet coke.

Remember, no scouts for the next two weeks.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Finishing Up Aviation

As announced on Sunday, we’ll meet on Wednesday to finish off the Aviation merit badge this week. If you weren’t there for the first meeting/lesson, come anyway because Brother Thompson said he would catch you up. Be prepared and download and print the merit badge worksheet.

We’ll meet at 7:00 at the church. Don’t forget the uniform bribe.

Also, those of you who attended the BYU PowWow need to get your completed merit badge cards to me so you can actually get the merit badges you earned. I know Jared and Gavin needed to do a couple things to finish theirs up. Don’t let this slip by. I’d hate for all your work to be for nothing.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Aviation for Dummies

We won't be having Scouts on Wednesday the 10th because we’ll be singing Christmas Carols and delivering baskets as a combined activity on Tuesday the 9th. Make sure you dress warm, and wear a hat, and sing loud.

As you'll recall, last week Brother Thompson took the troop to work with him at Life Flight. It was a long drive but a very worthwhile trip. We worked on the first half of the Aviation Merit Badge and got a tour of the aircraft in the hangar. We'll be finishing up the Aviation Merit Badge on Wednesday, December 17. Brother Thompson says he'll catch you up then if you missed the first lesson. Click here to download the worksheet for the Aviation Merit Badge.

Another item of note - Alex was the only recipient last week of my weekly uniform bribe. Spend it well, Alex! Maybe the rest of you slackers will be willing to enrich yourselves in the future by wearing your scout uniforms. :)