Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wii Tournament

So I guess we found a way to get the boys to attend – offer video game time! We worked on Citizenship in the World for a while and then broke down and played Mario Cart. Gavin – he of the large noggin – won most of the rounds, though I think Tristan, Jonny and Colin won a round or two too. Someone brought cookies by for Sister Rea so refreshments were taken care of. The boys swarmed over them like locusts but they were nice enough to leave one for me and Sister Rea.

I am happy to say I got to give away two dollars tonight. Both Tristan and Alex collected on the uniform bribe.
Our initial plan was for ice fishing next week but we are going to delay that until the 21st of February. Gavin has promised to make reservations this week for laser tag next Wednesday. Don't forget to bring $6.

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